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describing things and places. 重点学习一些形容词,如wide, old, high, new, round.学习用这些形容词来描述一些景物或场景如描述river thames, big ben, london eye等。


通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物,学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词,更开阔了眼界,增长了知识。同时通过介绍英国重要景点如river thames, big ben, london eye等,让同学们对国外景物形成一个初步的认识,调动同学们的学习兴趣和热情,达到良好的学习效果。


1、重点单词:wide, old, high, new, round

2、重点句型:this river is very wide. and it’s very long.

this is big ben. it’s very long.

3、难 点:有关英国重要景点如river thames, big ben, london eye等知识的了解。








四、教学过程 (中英文相结合)

step 1 warm up

1、教师热情地和学生打招呼,并带领全班做trp活动“say as i do, not as i say”。例如:教师说:“i’m tall.”同时俯身用手比着地面以上不高的位置。学生要迅速说出:“you’re not tall. you’re short.” 2、通过一些与形容词相关(如:电视塔、长城、)的图片及实物(如:新旧玩具、衣服)。带领学生回忆相关词语:big/ small, long/ short, tall/ short old/ new.

step 2 presentation and practice



good morning! today we’re going to go to london.

it’s the captial of england.请同学们跟随老师看一看伦敦重要的三个景点。1.the frist one is river thames.(展示课间图片)。老师问:what can you see in the picture?学生可用i can see…句型回答。老师用肢体语言引导学生说出this river is very wide .and it’s very long.并教授wide这个单词。2.amy和lingling正在谈论接下来我们要去的两景点,快来听一听。听第一遍录音后,学生回答出big ben /london eye 这两个景点。教师使用两个景点的课间讲授他们的特点:big ben /it’s very old clock. and it’s very tall.

london eye / it’s a big wheel. it’s very high ,round and new.同时讲授old /clock/high/wheel/round 3. 打开书听第二遍录音,要求学生圈出录音中提及的景物名称和用于描述他们的形容词。之后,教师把学生的回答写在黑板上,把景物名称再次和相关的形容词关联起来。4.播放第三遍录音,请同学们逐句模仿跟读。并让学生完成ab unit1练习。之后,老师问“what is this house like? what is this river like? 等问题 。提示学生用“tall ,old ,long , wide, new, round”来描述5.完成sb unit1活动2。首先请学生两人一组看图说话,再请学生听录音,并对课本的这几个重点句子进行操练。6.完成sb unit1活动3,请两人一组使用刚学过的重点句型说句子,描述书上图片。


(精品推荐)XX届高考二轮复习英语学案--专题一 名词和冠词


1. (福建)what’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?

a. sense            b. matter            c. case               d. opinion

【解析】a sense意为“感觉”在这样一个公共场所,不可以吃喝甚至不可以走动有什么感觉。

2.(天津卷)most air pollution is caused by the burning of ____ like coal, gas and oil.

a. fuels             b. articles          c. goods               d. products

【解析】a  fuel燃料,题干中coal, gas, oil均为燃料,由此选出a

3. (山东)i bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real______.

a. exchange         b. bargain     c. trade      d. business

【解析】b bargain廉价货符合句意,exchange交换;trade贸易,买卖;business事业,业务均不合句意

4. (江西卷)—shall we go out for a walk?

—sorry. this is not the right ____ to invite me. i am too tired to walk.

a. moment           b. situation  c. place       d. chance

【解析】a 句意为:此刻邀请我不合适,moment此时,此刻符合句意;situation形式;place地方;chance机会均不合题意

5. (湖北卷)the young man made a ______ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.

a. prediction  b. promise  c. plan   d. contribution

【解析】b 年轻人对父母做出许诺。b许诺,答应符合句意;a意思为预测,c为计划,d意为贡献均不合句意

6. (湖北卷)the top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly______

a. atmosphere    b. state     c. situation    d. phenomenon

【解析】a  atmosphere氛围。气氛符合句意;b为状态;c为形式;d意为现象

7. (安徽卷)to save some of the human languages before they are forgotten, the students in our school started a discussion “save our ________” .

a. sky        b. life        c. arts            d. voices


8.(辽宁卷)my neighbor asked me to go for _________ walk, but i don’t think i’ve got _________ energy.

a. a; 不填                    b. the; the      c. 不填; the                 d. a; the

【解析】d go for a walk 去散步,走走,固定搭配;the energy 那个力量,专指去散步的力量,具体所指,所以用定冠词the.

9.(全国ⅱ)it’s not _________ good idea to drive for four hours without _________ break.

a. a; a          b. the; a      c. the; the                     d. a; the


10.(山东卷)students should be encouraged to use _____ internet as _________ resource.

a. 不填; a                     b. 不填; the       c. the; the                     d. the; a


11.(湖南卷,22)have you heard ______ news?the piece of _______ petrol is going up again!

a. the, the           b. 不填,the        c. the, 不填         d. 不填,不填

【解析】c 听说那个消息,特指后面的石油价格上涨,所以用定冠词;石油不可数名词,所以不用任何冠词

12.(江苏卷,21)we went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of driving across ______ continent.

a. the; the   b. 不填;the   c. the; 不填   d. 不填;不填

【解析】b by +交通工具中间不用任何冠词;与水路对应,专指陆路,所以用定冠词the.

13.(江西卷,30)--- i am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.

--- it is not your fault. with __ rush-hour traffic and __ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.

a. a; a              b. the; the            c. /; /               d. /; a

【解析】a 一种。。。样的交通状况用a;这么一场大雨,泛指,用a.

14.(陕西卷,10)i ate _________ sandwich while i was waiting for _________ 20:08 train.

a. the, a             b. the, the            c. a, the            d. a, a

【解析】c 我吃了一个三明治,一般所指;特指哪一列火车,用定冠词the.

15.(四川卷,08)in the united states, there is always ____ flow of people to areas of ______ country where more jobs can be found.

a. a; the             b. the ; a             c. the; the          d. a; a

【解析】a一群人流,a flow of 固定搭配;特指能找到工作的那个地方,所以用定冠词。

16.(浙江卷,2)______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.

a. an;  the          b. the;  the          c. an; 不填        d. the; 不填

【解析】a一个苹果,可数名词;hit sb on the head 固定用法。击中某人某个部位用定冠词。

17.(重庆卷) in many places in china, ___ bicycle is still ___ popular means of transportation.

a. a; the            b. /; a                 c. the; a           d. the; the

【解析】c 自行车,专指大家知道的交通工具,用定冠词表类别;一种。。。方式,固定用法。


1. 语义学习是语言学习过程中的基础,没有一定的词汇量,听说读写等其它能力无从谈起。所以,在备考中,一定要重视词汇语义的学习和复习

2. 词汇意义的领悟和掌握既要机械记忆,又要在阅读、运用中领悟,巩固。要将词汇织成一个网,全面掌握一些重要的词汇及相关词汇

3. 同义词近义词的学习必须进行专项复习。收集大量的语言实例,反复记忆,用心领悟。

4. 考查零冠词用法。

5. 和某些抽象名词连用,使其具体化以及不可数名词在特指情况下将成为考查重点。

6. 冠词在一些固定短语,特殊句式的运用将仍旧会出现在某些省市的高考试卷中。

7. 比较级中的冠词也是考查的重点。

8. 冠词的基本用法,定冠词在adj.前表示一类尤其是考查的重点。

9. 语境、语义下的冠词灵活运用。

10. 根据知识网络将冠词的基本用法记牢,这是你做好试题的前提。

11. 熟悉一些名词的用法,和冠词结合。有很多不可数名词,有时候被具体化的情况,也是考查的重点

12. 多做练习,能够提高熟悉语境的能力,很多考题是要和语境相联系起来考查的,这方面一定要重视


1.i heard you have______ vacant position for a secretary. i’ve come to apply for _____job.

a.the; a        b.a; the         c.不填; a      d.a; 不填

2.---john, there is_____ mr. wilson on the phone for you.

---- i’m in____ bath.

a. a; the            b. the; a          c. a; 不填         d. 不填;  不填

3. people think that ______ opening ceremony of the 29th olympic games is _____ great success.

a. an; a             b. the ; a          c. the ;the         d. the ; x

4. --- do you often listen to _____ radio?

----no, in fact i haven’t got____ radio.

a. a; the             b. 不填; a         c. the; a           d. the; the

5.--- waiter, could we have_____ bill, please?

----darling, don’t forget to leave____ tip.

a. a; the             b. a; 不填         c. the; 不填       d. the; a

6. the research showed beyond ________ that smoking contributes to heart diseases.

a. wonder           b. doubt          c. problem        d. use

7 would you take my old tv in _______ for this camera?

a. place             b. return          c. exchange       d. business

8 faced with the hard financial ____________, all the countries in the world should learn to cooperate to get it over.

a. situation          b. position        c. phenomenon     d. state

9. it is a spectacular __________ as the fireworks are set off and light up the who sky during the spring festival.

a. look              b. view           c. scenery          d. sight

10. quite a few employees’ payments are cut down and barely cover their household ________ due to the serious economic crisis.

a. bills              b. expenses         c. prices          d. charges

11. suddenly we felt the _________atmosphere grow tense as neither of the sides would give in.

a. atmosphere     b. state     c. situation     d. phenomenon

12. the chinese are looking forward to the first _______to land on the moon after three chinese astronauts’ successful trip to space.

a. measure       b. attempt         c. purpose        d. desire

13. —who did you stay with yesterday? i couldn’t find you anywhere.

— ___________.

a. mr. green’s         b.the greens       c. greens         d. the mr. green’s

14. i shouldn’t have accepted the man’s present, but i found it difficult to turn down his ______.

a. offer               b. request          c. suggestion     d. plan

15. he kept sending her presents in an attempt to win her _______.

a. respect             b. favor            c. admiration     d. pleasure

参考答案1-5 badcd

6【解析】b beyond doubt为固定短语,意为:无疑,确实。本句句意为:这项研究确实表明吸烟会导致心脏疾病。

7.【解析】c in return for…作为回报;in exchange for…交换。你愿意用我的旧电视机换这架照相机吗?


9【解析】d look看;面貌;view指从某处看到的景色;scenery指自然景色;sight指所看到的事物,景象。在春节期间,当烟火被点燃照亮整个夜空的时候真是一幅壮观的景象。

10.【解析】b expense 意为“(时间、精力、金钱等的)消耗,花销,费用”。很多雇员收入下降不够维持生活的费用”。故选b项。bill 意为“账单,清单”。price 意为“价格,价钱,市价,代价,价值”。charge 意为“费用,捐税,代价,记账”,作“费用”解时指卖方开出的价钱。

11【解析】a  atmosphere氛围,d意为现象。我们突然感觉到气氛变得紧张了。

12【解析】b measure 措施; attempt试图,尝试;purpose目的; desire渴望,欲望。在中国三名宇航员成功遨游太空后,中国正盼望着登月的第一次尝试。

13【解析】b此题考查考生对复数姓氏名词的掌握能力。表示姓…的一家人,应用the +姓氏的复数形式。

14【解析】a offer: statement offering to do, or give sth to sb.(为某人做某事或给某人某事物的)建议,提议request: act of asking for sth. 要求;suggestion提议或建议的内容;plan计划。本句句意为:我本不该接受那个人的礼物,但很难拒绝他的提议。故选a。

15.【解析】b 他不停送给她礼物,试图获得她的好感。favor: liking , goodwill , approval 喜爱,宠爱,好感,欢心。




1. recently cctv station has taken great pains to make a program that reviews the   important_____0f .

a. affairs        b. events           c. matters       d. things

2. there’s no ______from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.

a. view          b. scene         c. sight        d. look

3. she is in a poor ______of health, which worries her mother much.

a. position         b. situation         c. state        d. condition

4. the experiment turned out to be ________, which wasn’t ______ they wanted.

a. a completely failing; as           b. a complete failure; what

c. completely failure; that           d. failed; 不填

5. in the botanic garden we can find a(n)______of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.

a. species        b. group           c. amount         d. variety

6. he was chosen _________ of the company.

a. manager       b. a manager        c. the manager     d. as a manager

7. i looked under __________ bed and found __________ book i lost last week.

a. the; a         b. the: the          c. 不填; the        d. the; 不填

8.—how about __________ christmas evening party?

—i should say it was __________ success.

a. a; a            b. the; a           c. a; 不填         d. the; 不填

9. polar bears live mostly on __________ sea ice, which they use as __________ platform for hunting seals.

a. a; a            b. a; the           c. 不填; a         d. the; 不填

10. we have every reason to believe that __________ beijing olympic games will be __________ success.

a. 不填; a         b. the; 不填      c. the; a            d. a; a

11. many people have come to realize that they should go on __________ balanced diet and make __________ room in their day for exercise.

a. a; 不填         b. the; a          c. the; the          d. 不填; a

12.—could you tell me the way to __________ johnsons, please?

—sorry, we don’t have __________ johnson here in the village.

a. the; the          b. the; a          c. 不填; the        d. the; 不填

13. __________ walk is expected to last all day, so bring __________ packed lunch.

a. a; a            b. the; 不填       c. the; a          d. a; 不填

14. in __________ film cast away. tom hanks plays __________ man named chuck noland.

a. a; the           b. the; a           c. the; the          d. a; a

15. how about taking __________ short break? i want to make __________ call.

a. the; a           b. a; the            c. the; the          d. a; a

16. i wanted to catch __________ early train, but couldn’t get __________ ride to the station.

a. an, the           b. 不填, the        c. an, 不填        d. the, a

17. i like __________ color of your skirt. it is __________ good match for your blouse.

a. a; the           b. a; a                c. the; a           d. the; the

couldn’t remember when he first met mr. anderson, but he was sure it was __________ sunday because everybody was at __________ church.

a. 不填; the         b. the; 不填          c. a; 不填        d. 不填; a

19.— i knocked over my coffee cup. it went right over __________. — you shouldn’t put drinks near __________ computer.

a. the; 不填         b. the; a              c. a; 不填       d. a; a

20. in __________ review off 44 studies, american researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of __________ heart disease by 76%. _______

a. a; the             b. the; a              c. a; 不填       d. 不填; a

21. of all __________ reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advice was __________ most important one.

a. the; a             b. 不填; a             c.  不填; the   d. the; the

22. for him __________ stage is just __________ means of making a living.

a. a; a               b. the; a              c.  the; the      d. a; the

23. according to __________ world health organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent __________ spread of aids.

a. the; 不填         b. the; the             c. a; a          d. 不填; the

24. everywhere man has cut down __________ forests in order to grow crops, or to use __________ wood as fuel or as building material.

a. the; the            b. the; 不填         c. 不填; the     d. 不填; 不填

25. i know you don’t like __________ music very much. but what do you think of __________ music in the film we saw yesterday?

a. 不填;不填           b. the; the           c. the; 不填      d. 不填; the

参考答案     1-5 bacbd 6-10 abbcc 11-15 abcbd 16-20. dccbc 21-25 dbbcd



《PEP小学英语》六年级下册 Unit 1 Part A. Let’s try / Let’s talk / Group work


1.能听、说、读、写四会句型How tall are you? I'm 164 cm tall. You're

shorter than me. You're 4 cm taller than me.并能在真实的情景中进行交流。


3.能听懂会说Let's chant。

4.能听懂并完成Let’s try 部分的练习。

5. 能完成Group work中的调查表。


1.掌握句型:How tall are you? I'm 164 cm tall. You're shorter than me. You're 4 cm taller than me.



1.录音机和磁带 2.多媒体课件 3.体检称 4.作业卷


一、热身与复习(Warming-up and revision )

1.播放Let's sing(P12)的录音,让学生听一听,营造英语课堂的氛围。

2.播放Let's chant(P2)的录音,先让学生感受歌谣的韵律,然后再学唱歌谣。

Mike is taller than Lee. Lee is taller than Sue.

Sue is taller than Amy. How tall are you?

Amy is smaller than Sue. Sue is smaller rhan Lee.

Lee is smaller than Mike. Are you smaller tnan me ?

(设计目的: 本部分主要是让学生听、唱英语歌曲、说唱chant等方式进行复习和热身。热身活动的目的是营造英语学习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,以旧带新,为新课学习做铺垫。因此选用的歌曲、chant等内容最好与新授内容有关。)




T: Hello. Boys and girls .I' m happy to see you again. By the way, how old are you now?

T: Yes .We are one year older than before. How old are you?

Sl: I' m 12 years old.

T: What about you ?

S2: 1'm 12, too.

T: Oh, I' m 32. 1' m twenty years older than you.



Hello, Liu Xiang. How old are you? How tall are you?

How heavy are you? What's your hobby?


(1)图片出示潘长江和刘翔的画面,问:Who is taller?再点一下鼠标边说边出示句子:Liu Xiang is 50 cm taller than Pan Changjiang.教师示范说。


T:I’m 164 cm tall . How tall are you ?

S1:I’m 160 cm tall .

T:Mmm…I’m 4 cm taller than you . You’re shoter than me.

板书:How tall are you?

I'm 164 cm tall.

You're shorter than me.

You're 4 cm taller than me.

(3) Pair work. 同桌学生运用以上句型练说。

4 ) 称一称,说一说。

老师站在称上称一称说:I'm 50 kg.

然后要求学生也站在称上称一称,并回答老师的提问:How heavy are you?要求学生用I'm…kg.来回答,接着由这位学生问下一位比自己小的同学,以此类推。

最后老师说:I'm bigger and stronger than you. 跟读并操练该句型。


2. Let’s try 放Let’s try部分的录音,学生听录音,圈出录音材料中所描述的大象。


三、对话的呈现与操练(Presentation and practice )

教学Let's talk

1. 听课本对话录音,回答老师提出的问题。

T: I'm 160 cm tall. How about Wu Yifan? How tall is John? Now listen to a talk and try to find out the answers to these two questions.


Ql: How tall is Wu Yifan? Q2:How tall is John?

Q3:Who is taller ?


Sl: Wu Yifan is 164 cm tall.

S2: John is 160 cm tall.

S3: Wu Yifan is taller.

引导学生看课件164cm - 160cm= 4cm,然后说出Wu Yifan is 4 cm taller than John.

2. 学生打开书本跟录音和教师读对话。

Now read the dialogue after the tape.…Now read after me, please.

3. Pair work.学生两人一组朗读对话。(教师巡视辅导)

4. Acting out. 请若干组学生上台表演对话,鼓励学生表演时不要看课本或“Look and say”。

5. Pair work. 学生利用两组替换图所提供的信息替换句型中的关键词练习、自编对话,鼓励学生尽量联系旧知识表达自己的思想。3~5分钟后请几组学生上台表演自编对话。

(设计目的:学生理解、熟悉了Let’s talk 中的重点句型后,学生学习了Let’s talk的内容难度就小得多。同时,充分利用课本中替换图让学生运用所学语言练说,并结合实际自由表达,给学生提供灵活运用语言的机会。)

6. Group work

l)小组指派一名学生对组上的同学进行调查“What's your name? How old are you? How tall are you?”并将结果记录下来,然后对他们的年龄与身高做比较,最后完成表格。


1. 表示两者之中“较...”,用the+比较级+of the two。

I'll give you the bigger of the two steaks; I'm not very hungry.


2. 定冠词或指示形容词+比较级+名词表示比较。

The taller man is the boss of the restaurant and the shorter one is his brother.


3. 有少数以-ior结尾的属于拉丁语的形容词,如inferior(次于), junior(年幼的;下级的), posterior(之后), prior(之前), senior(年长的,上级的), superior(优于)等本身就有比较的意思,后面不接 than,常与介系词to连用,后面用宾格。

I am two years junior to you.



I am two years your junior.

I am your junior by two years.

I am two years younger than you (are).


be senior to(年长于)+宾格 ?be older than+主格

be superior to(优于)+宾格 ?be better than+主格

be inferior to(劣于)+宾格 ?be worse than+主格

4. 比较形容词可以被修饰语如a little(一点), much(得多), even(更加), still(更加), far(...得多), very much, any, no, rather, a lot (a great deal), a little (a bit)等修饰,但不可用very修饰,表示某种程度。

The sun is a lot bigger and brighter than the moon.




小学英语教案模板范例怎么写,你会写了吗?下面.jinpinTjian ul li a小编为大家介绍小学英语教案模板范例,希望能帮到大家!

一.课题Whatare you doing?


1. 知识与技能目标:

(1) 能正确听、说、读、写词汇playing, singing,reading等。

(2)正确听、说、读、写句型 What are you doing ?I’m … . What is he/she doing? He/She is ….

2. 过程与方法目标:



3. 情感态度与价值观目标:



能正确听、说、读、写句型—Whatbe sb. doing? —Sb. be doing…




Step 1 greeting

Step 2 lead in—play a guessing game

Step3 presentation—one shows the action and the others make new sentences.

Step4 practice—Students work in pairs. One student makes action and the other oneguesses.

Step 5 review— analyzethe rule of the sentences and read these sentences.

Step 6 homework—write ashort article to introduce the most memorable vacation.


What are you doing?

He is playing basketball.

Sheis singing. Sb.+be(am,is,are)+doingsth.

Tomis reading newspapers.














2、熟练掌握句型“What are these/those?”及其答语。




1、本课指示代词 this, these, that,those画线部分的正确发音。

2、知道“What are those?”与“What are these?”的`区别。


课时 1-2课时



二、Magic box单词教学




“What are these/those? They are ”

四、Let's talk对话教学







五、Let’s sing 歌曲教学

六、Listen , mumber and match


2、学生尝试朗读图画所表示的单词,分别为trees,picture,flies,clever boy。


